· python programming

Google Analytics Reporting API for PostgreSQL

Projects >> Google Analytics Reporting API for PostgreSQL

This is a Python script I developed for programmatically accessing report data in Google Analytics and inserting into PostgreSQL.

Google Analytics Reporting API V4 is used in this code. A detailed reference of the API can be accessed here.

In this example, a GA summary report is generated (using the JSON below) and inserted into a PostgreSQL staging table with the same name. These dimensions/metrics can be modified using the Dimensions & Metrics Explorer as a guide.

	"Dimensions": [
			"name": "ga:date"
			"name": "ga:country"
	"Metrics": [
			"expression": "ga:sessions"
			"expression": "ga:percentNewSessions"
			"expression": "ga:newUsers"
			"expression": "ga:bounceRate"
			"expression": "ga:transactions"
			"expression": "ga:transactionRevenue"
			"expression": "ga:transactionsPerSession"
	"dimensionFilterClauses": [
			"filters": ["none"]
	"Segment": []

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