Udemy- Learn to Code with Ruby
What is Ruby?
- An object-oriented programming language
- A popular language across the world
- Released in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto (“Matz”)
- Open-source project in development today
- Available for both Windows and Mac OS operating systems
Ruby Design Principles
- Ruby is a high-level programming language.
- Ruby is an interpreted language. It does not need to be compiled.
- Ruby code is read top-to-bottom, line by line.
- The program that runs the Ruby code is called the interpreter.
- Everything in Ruby is an object.
- Ruby is dynamically typed. Variable types do not have to be declared. The same variable can be reassigned to an object of another data type.
- Strings are mutable objects.
Syntax Best Practices
- Variable names should start with a lowercase letter or underscore
- Use underscores (lower_snake_case)
Course Progress
100% - completed 4/27/19.
About Me
I'm a data leader working to advance data-driven cultures by wrangling disparate data sources and empowering end users to uncover key insights that tell a bigger story. LEARN MORE >>
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