Udemy- Complete JavaScript Course
Design and Coding Resources
This course represented my official foray into learning JavaScript. Up to this point I’d only used it on occasion with no formal training, as my focus has been predominantly on back-end data engineering. I wanted to gain a closer perspective on full-stack development, and JavaScript is a core front-end technology for me to have as part of my stack. This course covers the following areas:
- JavaScript language basics
- How JavaScript works behind the scenes
- JavaScript in the browser: DOM manipulation and events
- Advanced JavaScript: objections and functions
- Putting it all together: budget app project
My Projects
Course Progress
100% - completed 9/29/17.
About Me
I'm a data leader working to advance data-driven cultures by wrangling disparate data sources and empowering end users to uncover key insights that tell a bigger story. LEARN MORE >>
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